Our overarching goal is to help districts, schools, and teachers recognize and use curriculum materials as shared tools that can promote teacher learning and collaboration, as well as support deep and coherent student learning.
Our Approach
Our Work
We have extensive expertise supporting the following curricula:
- Everyday Mathematics (PreK–Grade 6, math)
- Science Companion (PreK–Grade 6, science)
- Activate Learning Prime (K–Grade 5, science)
- Engineering is Elementary (PreK – Grade 5, engineering)
- FinEdge (High School, financial literacy)
We have also used the approach outlined above to support implementation of other STEM curricula in partnerships with schools who do not use these specific programs.
Some Sample Projects:
Some Sample Tools
We have developed a wide range of generic and curriculum-specific tools and resources that save teachers time, promote collaboration, and support implementation.
Thoughtful lesson planning is essential to effective instruction. Our lesson planning tools support educators as they utilize a curriculum, considering their instructional context and students’ unique needs.
When engaging in open-ended problem solving, teachers have an opportunity to facilitate meaningful discussions around student thinking. By analyzing student work and identifying trends in student understanding, teachers can make important connections among strategies that lead to conceptual understanding.
Pacing guides have been developed by the UChicago STEM Education team to offer guidance to instructors implementing curricula.